White Dating Information

White Numbers/Years

The White company (still in business) has some serial number records and will date machines. Their record and numbering system is/was not as organized as Singers, so there are some problems. However, we are assembling a record of known dates to provide a rough comparison ability.

The following White numbers were verified through the company. You will note that there are irregularities in the stated sequences. Neither we nor the company have any explanation for this. Hopefully, you can use the list for a quick check on the age of your White. If you call the Husqvarna/Viking/White company at 1 800 446-2333, they will date your machhine for you.

VS – the White VS was introduced in 1876. Books credit it through the 1880’s but White records show it continuing into the 1900’s. VS I has round tension on upper arm. VS II came out in the 1880’s. The tension was by means of a nut on the machine head, but had no dial. VS III came out in the 1890’s and had the tension dial, similar to the FR models.

1163248 this number is from the 1800’s. White records start in 1900
1368882 1903
1759040 1915
1800124 1919

Family Rotary – The Family Rotary, or FR, came out in the 1890’s, and in various models continued well into the 1930’s. FR serial numbers were used on badge machines as well as those labeled “White”.

FR 140336 pre-1900

FR 127544 1906
(Note: It has been reported that #s 105200 – 194000 are all 1906. This conflicts with the report on #140336, above, but such conflicts are common.)

FR 238.519 ………. 1908

FR 256.000 ………. 1909

FR 329.999 ………. 1910

FR 233.914 ………. 1914

FR 2.294.605 ………. 1913

FR 2.230.955 ………. 1913

FR 2.339.124 ………. 1914

3FR 2.339.124 …….. 1914

(per White, the “3” in front of the FR has no significance as to date)

(per White, some serial number to date information is not available)

FR 2.567.602 ………. 1917

FR 2.636.433 ………. 1917

FR 2.611.632 ………. 1917

FR 2.637.707 ………. 1917

FR 2.793.214 ………. 1918

FR 2.865.473 ………. 1920

FR 7.155.341 ………. 1921 FLORENCE ROTARY

FR 7.156.168 ………. 1921 FLORENCE ROTARY

FR 7.157.866 ………. 1921 FLORENCE ROTARY

FR 75.156.168 ………. 1921 DOMESTIC ROTARY

FR 29.533.555 ………. 1922

FR 3.009.969 ………. 1923

FR 3.020.193 ………. 1923

FR 3.020.912 ………. 1923